Thursday, March 31, 2011

Healthy Meals for Fast Weight Loss

Healthy Meals for Fast Weight Loss

Healthy Meals for Fast Weight Loss
Healthy Meals for Fast Weight Loss
REDUCING weight is not enough just to a strict diet and exercise. If you want to quickly lose weight with a healthy way, you also eat foods that require more calories during processing.
How do I? Whether the food itself does not contain calories?

All foods contain calories. But there are foods that require more calories in the process of burning calories than they contain themselves. Calories contained in food is hard parsed and processed by the body. Therefore, the body must work harder to extract calories. In this way, these foods help burn excess fat that's inside the body.

A serving of dessert that contains 400 calories may only require 150 calories in the process of combustion. As a result, there is a net residual 250 calories to be stored in the form of fat in the body. Based on the same theory, for example, if you consume 100 calories of food that requires 150 calories in the digestive process, then you've burned 50 calories just by eating foods Extra this. Usually, a piece size of 100 grams of broccoli contains 25 calories. However, during the process takes 80 calories to digest.

As a result, the body burns 55 calories from fat body clean. That way, the more you eat the faster you can lose weight.

What foods work in this Healthy Meals for Fast Weight Loss?

These foods are usually derived from natural plants with high carbohydrate content and fiber but very little fat. The body must work harder to break down carbohydrates and extra effort is needed to turn it into fat. Moderate fatty foods very quickly add fat to be dumped by the body. In addition, the existing fiber in plant foods is very useful for the body, is filling, well for controlling cholesterol and high blood pressure, and helps prevent cancer.

To help you lose weight, choose foods that require more calories in the process of metabolism. Such foods include lettuce, beets, berries, broccoli, garlic, radish, cauliflower, celery, pineapple, papaya, oranges, cucumbers, spinach, grapefruit (a type of big citrus sour taste), lemon, asparagus, mangoes, carrots, apples, chili, onion, cabbage, and zucchini.

Here are four types of Healthy Meals for Fast Weight Loss.

1. Fiber
Foods such as oatmeal and wheat seeds are rich in fiber that can shrink the stomach. The reason is fiber foods make the stomach feel full more quickly than foods that are low in fiber. Fiber foods also take longer to digest so your body will feel satisfied in the long term.

2. Protein
Protein function is actually more or less the same as fiber that is holding you feel full longer. This is because protein foods require more calories for digestion than vegetables and fruits. Eggs are one of the protein-rich foods that also contain B-12 that serves to destroy fat cells. Nuts are also a source of protein and fiber. However, note the type of beans you eat, because nuts contain lots of saturated fat fried and baked beans contain lots of sugar.

3. Enzyme
Foods such as papaya and pineapple, rich in enzymes that can help to expedite the process of digestion. In addition, all foods containing raw vegetables and fruit enzymes to give opportunity to the liver and pancreas to remove toxins from the body and the change in abdominal fat into energy for the body.

4. Healthy Fats
Fatty foods are not always the ringleader of the distended abdomen, depending on the type of fat. Unsaturated fats can even increase your metabolism and change in abdominal fat into energy. Good fats can be found in some foods including avocados and olive oil. Not only able to burn fat, even olive oil to keep cholesterol levels. In addition, there are almonds are not only rich in unsaturated fats, but also contain proteins for synergistic fat burning effects and helps suppress hunger.

---Healthy Meals for Fast Weight Loss---

