Yoga and Weight Loss - Whether the Yoga Can Lose Weight?

Maybe you belong to one of the many people who feel frustrated because of difficulty losing weight. That's not surprising. weight gain is a problem that is so complex. There are the influence of genetic factors, lifestyle, diet, and others.
Benefits of yoga practice is directly felt physically loosening stiff muscles because of lack of movement, tension, and stress. Yoga movements are also increasing the range of joint movement, increase flexibility, and help correct faulty posture because of weight gain.
Yoga exercises help to strengthen and lengthen muscles so the body become more slender and shapely after practice. However, the shaped body is not always followed by weight loss. Remember, muscle is more dense and heavier than the volume of fat tissue.
Yoga and Weight Loss - Potential burn calories
In yoga there is also practice pranayama. These breathing exercises to make the vital energy or prana in the body moves. This can help solve problems when you are experiencing weight gain, but rather sluggish because the body's energy level decreases.Another benefit of yoga is the psychological aspect. Weight gain often makes self-giving negative comments. Through yoga we try to prevent this by creating a safe and positive environment to reconnect the body and eliminate the negative messages that often come to mind.
Yoga exercises can also foster self-control over new. This is a quality that is often lost when the weight lifted off. At the physiological level, certain schools of yoga may be appropriate for people who really want the weight loss. Vinyasa class that combines movement and breathing together to create heat and ultimately potentially cause a lot of burning calories for weight loss.
For you who may never work out, it's worth trying Vinyasa yoga classes for beginners. Do not jump to middle-class already, let alone yoga Asthanga. It may not flow right for you who are physically inactive before.
Appetite control
Yoga does not give grandiose promises of rapid weight loss. Yoga only promises two major benefits for people who want to lose weight. First of all, yoga improves digestion and relieve constipation, water retention, and abdominal bloating. Secondly, yoga improve blood circulation to the main endocrine glands, the thyroid and pancreas.
Both this gland that helps control appetite, mood, sleep patterns, and the rest.
Not many scholars who accept that the practice of yoga is the surest path to weight loss. However, a recent study from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, the U.S. began to open the insight that yoga is also beneficial to streamline.
Researchers at the institute were healthy men and women asking about the history of body weight and their physical activity from age 45 to 55 years. Revealed that subjects who are overweight and practiced yoga at least once a week decreased the weight of 2.5 pounds over 10 years.
Normal weight people who practice yoga diligently reported no increased weight, while those who do not exercise ride continue. While they are excess weight and never practice yoga, ride four-kilogram weight.
Consciousness the mind
Alan Kristal, principal investigator at the same time yoga practitioners in the study, believe, causes weight loss after yoga practice not because of the number of calories burned. Only certain flow yoga exercises that burn lots of calories to trigger weight loss.
"Yoga is to build awareness of the mind," said Crystal who is also professor of epidemiology at the University of Washington School of Public Health. "You will learn when to feel full and you do not like to eat most. In addition, you also will recognize the anxiety and stress, so do not want to cover it with a meal, "he added.
So with a regular yoga practice and true, will be able to help you lose weight. Good luck.
Please check my other guide about how to loss weight fast and about Healthy Meals for Fast Weight Loss
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